Life lately has been intense. I wake up every day at 4am and get ready to lift 400lb couches and boxes for the company i work for. My depression has only bothered me in the mornings when I try to get up, sometimes i cry a little in the shower. But thankfully god gave me a strong mind to give my own body hell and push it to its limits. My credit card bills are almost paid and my family is benefiting somewhat from my income. Me and my boss seem to have settled our differences and I think as long as I don't mess up too much our bond will be solid.
Girls however seem to surprise me I dont understand how a good guy like me with no criminal record and an amazing job cant get a normal girl. For now my job is taking up most of my time so its easy to avoid the subject that also means my posts for now will be less frequent until i can find a more easy going work place environment.
I hope this time my life can start picking up I have had enough of running around getting in trouble with my friends.