Friday, August 13, 2010

I have been thinking about a girl I like recently.
I want to ask her if she would go out with me. but I am tired of getting my whole world crushed when I realize they don't like me back. I think she just talks to me out of pitty, I wish I knew so I would stop wishing for her every night I close my eyes.

This life I live is just not worth it if all I do is beg for just one person to love me.


  1. Please don't feel that way.
    You have a purpose in this life and you don't need anyone to tell you your life is worth living because it IS worth living.
    Have you seen a doctor for your depression? Everyone gets it at one time or another ,I had it too and everyday felt like a living nightmare. But I DID get through it and so will you!
    You don't need a girl to go upto you and say they say love you to live. If that were true half the planet including myself would be dead by now.
    Find something to work towards. Maybe you can take a vacation? If you have a job and save enough you could go and take a tour somewhere. If you can't you could try yoga and stuff cliche as it sounds.
    Please don't give up living. I want you to live.

  2. thanks Im not going to kill myself yet..
    I still have hope for myself
